GS SCORE FACT FILE- Environment Act & Policies 2021 PDF, Now you have made up your mind to become IAS officer and looking for the books and study materials to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page. Now We are Sharing With You GS SCORE FACT FILE- Environment Act & Policies 2021 PDF
Importance of environment related questions has increased in UPSC Prelims Exam. Since past few years the Prelims for Indian Forest Services has been combined with the UPSC Civil Services, that has increased the weight age of the environment topic . At times, as many as 33% of the questions in the General Studies paper are asked from the Environment topic. Out of the total questions of environment at least 3-4 questions are based on Environment Act and Policies. Keeping this fact in mind this segment is quite prominent and need to be prepared it extremely well.
GS Score Prelims Sampoorna Fact File on Environment Act and Policies has questions that will give you an insight about the questions asked in UPSC Prelims related to environmental legislations and policies.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you” – B. B. King.