UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2020: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has activated the online question paper representation portal at its official website. All those candidates appeared in the UPSC CSE 2020 Prelims can raise representations if any against the question paper at
UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2020: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has activated the online question paper representation portal at its official website. All those candidates appeared in the UPSC CSE 2020 Prelims can raise representations if any against the question paper at
The link for applying representations will be activated till 11 October 2020 at Candidates can only make representations through online mode. No other mode of representations will be considered. All candidates are required to fill up the representations before the last date.
The commission had conducted the UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2020 on 4 October 2020 across the country in two slots- Paper 1 was conducted from 9.30 am to 11.30 am and Paper 2 was conducted from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Around 6 Lakhs candidates had registered this year for the exam as per reports. The commission has also uploaded the question papers of both papers on its website.
The commission had taken special measures owning to COVID-19 guidelines. The exam was scheduled at 72 centres and 2500 sub centres. If any candidate wants to fill up the representations, he may follow the easy steps given below to raise objections against the question paper.
- Visit the official website. i.e.
- Click on Examination >> Time Frame for Representation
- Then, click on the link given in the PDF.
- It will redirect you to a new window.
- Then, you need to enter all required credentials and click on submit button.
- Then, the candidate will be able to raise representations, if any against the question paper.
UPSC CSE 2020 Question Paper Representation Link
Candidate should note that no representation shall be accepted under any circumstances after this window of 7 days is over and the Commission shall not involve into any correspondence with the candidates in this regard.
In case of any problem in filling the representations, the candidate requires to indicate the problem being faced and send it to web-upsc[at]nic[dot]in. Candidates can directly access the representation link by clicking on the above link.